Aline Lefebvre-Lepot
CNRS senior researcher
Centre Borelli - ENS Paris-Saclay.
Research topics
- Systems of macroscopic particles: granular flows and suspensions
- Numerical simulations at the grain scale (scientific computing, numerical analysis, software SCoPI) and macroscopic modelling
- Non-smooth contact models, stable algorithms (non-smooth convex analysis, constrained optimization)
- Direct numerical simulations of rigid particles embedded in a Stokes fluid (penalty methods, boundary element methods)
- Numerical treatment of the hydrodynamic singularity due to close particules in suspensions (lubrication)
- Micro-swimmers: control and optimal control for swimming problems
Some links
- SCoPI: C++ code for particles in interaction.
- ANR RheoSuNN: JCJC ANR project I am coordinating (2018-2022). It brings together researchers in the domains of mathematics, numerical analysis, HPC and mechanics, interested in numerical simulations of dense suspensions of rigid particles.
- RT Terre et Energie: CNRS Thematic Network "Earth and Energy" on the theme of mathematics in interaction with 1 - Geophysics/Natural Hazard and 2 - Nuclear Energy.
- iMPT: an institute to foster collaborations at the interface between mathematics and earth, life and human sciences.
- FMJH: Mathematical Foundation Jacques Hadamard, gathering 12 laboratories in the field of mathematics and its interactions, on the Paris-Saclay campus.
- SMAI: French Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics.
- AMIES: French Agency for Mathematics in Interaction with Enterprise and Society.