Curriculum vitæ

A more detailed CV is available here: Detailed_CV.pdf (in French)


  • Since 0ct. 2023: CNRS senior researcher at Fédération de Mathématiques de CentraleSupélec
  • 2008-2023: CNRS junior researcher at CMAP laboratory (Ecole Polytechnique)
  • 2009-2020: part-time lecturer in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique
  • 2007-2008: ATER in Mathematics laboratory at Paris-Sud university


  • Dec. 2021: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Ecole Polytechnique)
    Collections of solids in interaction : suspensions, granular media and micro- swimmers (.pdf)
  • 2004-2007: Ph.D. under the supervision of B. Maury (Paris-Sud university)
    Modélisation numérique d’écoulements fluide/particules (.pdf)
  • 2002-2004: ENS Cachan (3rd year competitive examination)
    Master 2, PDE and scientific calculus (Paris-Sud university)
    Agrégation de mathématiques
  • 2000-2002: Magistère de mathématiques (Paris-Sud university)


Research projects

  • 2022--: MITI-80Primes project SISSI - scientific coordinator with G. Gautier (FAST laboratory)
  • 2018-2023: ANR RheoSuNN - scientific coordinator (ANR JCJC CE46)
  • 2016-2017: Research project funded by Saint-Gobain Research - scientific coordinator
  • 2015-2016: Research project funded by labex LMH and labex PALM - scientific coordinator with G. Gautier (FAST laboratory)
  • 2012: Research project funded by labex LMH - scientific coordinator with G. Gautier (FAST laboratory)
  • Member of ANR Stabingram (SIMI 9, Sciences de l'ingénieur, 2011-2014)
    Member of ANR Mosicob (SIMI 1, Mathématiques et interactions, 2007-2010)


  • Deputy director of CMAP laboratory (2022-)
  • Member of the scientific commitee of GdR MathGeoPhy (2022-)
  • Responsible for the FMJH-Care program (2022-)
  • Member of the steering commitee of Fondation Mathématiques Jacques Hadamard - FMJH (2016–)
  • Co-responsible, with Grégoire Allaire, for "Pôle Analyse" at CMAP (2020–2022)
  • Member of the Applied Mathematics Department comittee at Ecole Polytechnique (2014-2020)
  • SMAI and AMIES local correspondant at CMAP
  • Workshops and conferences co-organisation (SMAI 2009 - PICOF 2012 - ANR RheoSuNN 2019)
  • Member of 9 MdC selection committees and 8 PhD commitees
  • Article reviews

Students supervision and postdoctoral fellows

  • PhD Students
    Quentin Houssier (co-supervised with G. Gauthier, beginning dec. 2022)
    Dongchen He (co-supervised with L. Faria, beginning sept. 2022)
    Jessie Levillain (co-supervised with F. Alouges, beginning oct. 2021)
  • Postdoctoral fellows
    Mathieu Girardin (2015) - Guillaume Chivot (2016) - Fabien Vergnet (2020) - Hélène Bloch (2022)
  • M2 internships
    Pascal Allexandre (2013) - Faical Khan (2013) - Wilfried Rabouin (2015) - Jessie Levillain (2021)